Understanding what really matters to people now and what it means for your organisation

Imagine lifting the lid into the lives of households across Britain as the coronavirus pandemic evolves

  • How have their lives been impacted?
  • How are they making sense of what is happening?
  • How are people truly feeling?

Now imagine knowing what role your organisation can play in this

  • Why do people see your organisation as important?
  • How can your brand support people through their ups and downs, and help them to achieve their everyday goals?

What matters now?

  • How have people’s lives changed during the pandemic?
  • What drives people to make their choices? Alongside behaviour, attitudes and opinions, what are the deeper social, political and personal views they hold? How do these translate into the goals they set in their lives?
  • How can you communicate with your customers in a meaningful, authentic way that reflects the evolving situation?

Home Truths is built on an in-depth lifelogging study with a number of households across the UK. It uses vlogging techniques to record people’s real actions and feelings throughout the pandemic.

Home Truths blends insight and consultancy to help understand what really matters to people now, and what this could mean for your organisation.

It provides rigorous and practical insight to help businesses make informed, confident decisions, and to balance the immediate needs of today with the steps needed to ensure growth in the future.

Some of the areas covered include:

  • How people are thinking and feeling
  • How they are making sense of the new normal
  • How they are staying well
  • How they are approaching shopping and getting the things that they need
  • How they are approaching managing their money
  • The role of brands in the current context
  • How people are staying connected
  • The changing demands on the home

Our lifelogging study of households has highlighted 10 important considerations for brands. If you’d like to find out more, please contact andrea.layyous@yonderconsulting.com.
